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MV 6 - World Language (Madame Gruver): Research

Assignment guidelines

You will be working with 3-6 people on a Google site project.  You are employees at a travel agency and you will be creating a promotional website to advertise certain countries.  You must represent each of the languages taught at CV, French, German and Spanish.  You should find 2 countries from  each language to feature in your site.  You should be sure to cover:


  • 5 basic statistics like population, size, birth rate…

  • 3 areas to visit (parks, tourist attractions…)

  • 2 cultural facts like food, religion, education…

  • A comparison of the countries to each other and the United states


You must use 2 different formats to show this information on the website.  THis can be a Google slideshow, We video, or infographic.

AP Images

Find images from newspapers and magazines all over the world!

AP Images from EBSCO - easier to cite

Sweet Search


Geography and Culture Databases


Username: cumberlandvalley
Password: Research#1

Reference Sources

Country Reference Books

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Erin Faulkner
Mountain View Middle School
(717) 697-1960 x 20200