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CV Summer Reading: Elementary Readers

Cumberland County Libraries Summer Reading and Learning

Looking for more reading inspiration, programs and prizes? Check out your local library's summer reading program!

Summer Reading at Simpson Library

Summer Reading at Fredrickson Library

Cumberland County Library System Home

Read with Malcolm

Malcom's READCamp training plan encourages kids to read 8-12 books during summer reading.  Your CV librarians want to reward those efforts! 

If you follow Malcolm's training protocol and read books this summer, you will be eligible to earn prizes at school in the fall!

 The Training Camp for Summer Reading  Memorial Day: May 31 - Labor Day: September 6

READCamp is a free virtual training camp for Summer Reading for school students. During READCamp, kids participate in literacy based training, drills and practice in order to maintain reading skills over the summer to tackle the summer slide.  

READCamp Rules:

  • To participate, individuals and/or groups register at If under the age of 13 an educator/adult must register the student.
  • A READCamp Training Protocol is available to help kids make book selections. READCamp Worksheets and Extension Activities are available to help make summer reading fun!
  • Completed books must be submitted in the online Playbook between May 31, 2021 and September 2, 2021.
  • Read 8 books during READCamp to become a READCamp Champion.
  • Read 12 books during READCamp to become a READCamp MVP.
  • Earn Certificates of Achievement signed by READCamp Head Coach Malcolm Mitchell for completing the READCamp’s 8 and 12 book goals, and bring your certificates to school to earn prizes at your school library!