Use U.S. History in Context and Science in Context to research any of the aspects of this assignment: The automobile, Internet, telephone, or computer.
You might also be successful by searching within U.S. History in Context the two time periods referenced in this project: The 1920s and/or 1990s. You can link to the "units" on these time periods by finding the section on the database home screen called Events, Decades, and Cultural Trends. Because you are searching for a.) information about these inventions AND b.) their impact on humanity, searching in both contexts (item AND time period) will yield more relevant results.
Use the links below to find citation examples for the many different types of resources you may be using for this (or any!) Research Project:
Research and Documentation Online -- Use the drop-down menu to easily jump to the different types of resources. They are separated into categories: Print, Online, etc. This site gives you both the "formula" for the citation as well as real examples.
The OWL at Purdue University -- Use the links on the left side of the home page to navigate to what you're looking for. You can see examples of papers, Works Cited pages, in-text Citations, and more!