Try a Gale database!
If you are using these databases off-campus, see the PASSWORDS document for more information!
Try a Power Library database!
If you are using these databases off-campus, see the PASSWORDS document for more information!
John D. Rockefeller [Public Domain], Portrait of Carnegie by Theodore Christopher Marceau [Public domain], Alexander Graham Bell by Moffett Studio [Public domain] |
John D. Rockefeller | Andrew Carnegie | Alexander Graham Bell |
Nicola Tesla | Cornelius Vanderbilt | Thomas Edison |
Henry Ford | J(ohn) P(ierpont) Morgan | Orville & Wilbur Wright |
H(enry) J(ohn) "Jack" Heinz | John Jacob Astor | Milton Hershey |
Samuel Gompers (American Federation of Labor) | Eugene V. Debs (American Railway Union) | Terrence Powderly (Knights of Labor) |