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Teaching with Twitter!: Home

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Kara Boehne
On Schoology: Mrs. Boehne

Twitter as a PD Tool

Twitter is more than just news and "what's trending."  We've discussed ways to use it with your students in your classroom and beyond, but what about using it as a Professional Development tool?  One way to make this version of social media work for YOU is to participate or "lurk" in Twitter Chats.  Topics for these chats include almost anything you can think of, from conversations related to your specific content to things related to how to meet the needs of special education students.  There's something for everyone.  Check out this list of some of the most popular/well-respected chats already out there:

Education Twitter Chats

Learn with Twitter!

Twitter Leads the World in Groundbreaking News

Twitter - Get the Scoop!

what is twitter, anyway?

OK, so you know the NOW what? 


Twitter - the Basics

Twitter Pics!

Faster than Plate Tectonics

Sir Ken Robinson on Technology

Experience the World, from your classroom.

Twitter Search

Twitter in the Classroom

Projects with Twitter

Examples and ideas for using Twitter in your classroom - and beyond!

  • Post a photo or article and have students comment/ask questions about it.
  • Create a hashtag for each of your course sections, and post a reflection question every week/day for students to answer or reflect upon.
  • Have students research and follow someone related to your field of study, such as a scientist, writer, mathematician, specialist, etc.
  • Students can follow a news feed related to your topic and retweet articles they find interesting - a la "Current Events."
  • On a field trip, create a hashtag for the excursion.  Students can post pics and thoughts throughout the day as they see the sights.
  • Use twitter as a "ticket" in or out of the classroom - students must comment on a prompt or answer a question.
  • Use it as a conversation starter BEFORE an in-class discussion.  Set up your own "chat" the evening before you want to discuss things in class - it might "loosen up" reluctant participants, and spark more insightful conversations during the live discussion.
  • Update homework and class assignments.
  • Track hashtags to monitor trends and current news.
  • Have students collaborate by writing a story or article using their 140 character limit--"Pass" it around!
  • Reluctant question-askers can post questions during a lesson, and they can be addressed before class is over!