Use the links below to find citation examples for the many different types of resources you may be using for this (or any!) Research Project:
Research and Documentation Online -- Use the drop-down menu to easily jump to the different types of resources. They are separated into categories: Print, Online, etc. This site gives you both the "formula" for the citation as well as real examples.
The OWL at Purdue University -- Use the links on the left side of the home page to navigate to what you're looking for. You can see examples of papers, Works Cited pages, in-text Citations, and more!
The links below are amazing online resources on the 1920s era topics. Try them!
Library of Congress
The LOC is a fabulous resource for Primary Sources. The picture grid on its home page is the portal for all sorts of things!
PBS - The American Experience
TAE is a comprehensive series on all things American History. Search around this page to find various topics relating to the '20s.